Will A Pair of Sun Sleeves Save You Money?

Will A Pair of Sun Sleeves Save You Money?

As the cost of living rises, many people are exploring ways to save money, while knowing that staying safe in the sun is really important. One common question we get at Crazy Arms is whether investing in a pair of sun sleeves is cost-effective. 

To find out, we crunched the numbers using the Cancer Council’s recommendations for sunscreen use. Here’s how the options stack up.

The Importance of Sun Protection

If you're out and about during the summer months in Australia, sun protection is essential. For protecting your arms, you typically have three choices:
1.    Long-sleeve shirts
2.    Sunscreen
3.    Sun sleeves
While all three offer good UV protection, their costs can vary significantly depending on how often you’re exposed to the sun.

Cost Comparison: Shirts, Sunscreen, and Sun Sleeves

Long-sleeve shirts

Each quality UPF 30+ long-sleeve shirt costs between $50 and $70. If you're out in the sun multiple days per week, you'll need quite a few shirts, which can become a significant expense.


A 100ml tube of sunscreen costs between $14 and $30. According to the Cancer Council, one teaspoon (5ml) is required per arm per application, and it must be reapplied every two hours. 

Here’s a breakdown of how much sunscreen this adds up to each month for typical outdoor activities (scroll across):


Sunscreen Use


Monthly Arms Usage

Monthly Arm Protection  Cost

Golf (4 hours)

20ml per game

2x per week


$22 - $48

Lawn Bowls (2 hours)

10ml per game

2x per week


$11 - $24

Walking (1 hour)

10ml per walk

5x per week


$28 - $60

Gardening (2 hours)

10ml per session

2x per week


$11 - $24

Outdoor work (7 hours)

30ml per day

5x per week


$84 - $180


So for arms alone, the sunscreen cost will be between $11 and $1800 per month, depending on your activities and the brand you choose.

Sun Sleeves

A pair of Crazy Arms Sun Sleeves costs $39.50. With good care, Crazy Arms will last for several summers.  So how quickly do you get the payback?

When Do Crazy Arms Start Saving You Money?

Here’s how long it takes for sun sleeves to start paying off compared to sunscreen:

1 month or less

  • Daily Outdoor workers
  • Golfers (2x per week) and Regular Walkers

Around 2 months:

  •  Lawn Bowlers and Gardeners

Then after this short payback period, you’ll save money every month while enjoying hassle-free sun protection for your arms.

More Than Just Savings

While cost-effectiveness is important, sun sleeves deliver additional benefits:
•    Flexibility: Wear them with your favourite short-sleeve shirts or polos.
•    Reliability: UPF 50+ fabric provides consistent protection, unlike sunscreen, which can be under-applied, rubbed off, or forgotten.
•    Convenience: No sticky or messy application. Just slip them on and off as needed.

We’re not knocking sunscreen—it’s still essential for areas like your face and neck. But for your arms, sun sleeves are a smart, cost-effective addition to your wardrobe.


If you're spending time outdoors this summer, investing in a pair of Crazy Arms Sun Sleeves should save you money, and simplify your sun protection routine. Whether you’re golfing, gardening, or just out for a daily walk, sun sleeves offer a flexible and reliable solution that adds up in both savings and convenience.

Our blog articles are based on our own experience and research. For expert advice, please contact a medical professional.

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Shop Crazy Arms UPF 50+ Sun Sleeves

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