A Worldwide Footprint for Crazy Arms Sun Protection

We've been blown away by the response to Crazy Arms since we launched in Australia in 2018. From kayak guides in New Zealand to hikers in Israel and rodeo riders in Utah, people all over the globe are loving our range of colours, eco fabric, and tried-and-tested UPF50+ arm coverage.

The UV Index in the Northern Hemisphere
The ozone layer is thinner over the Southern Hemisphere, so the UV index is generally higher here in Australia. However, the Northern Hemisphere does have high UV levels during the summer months, when the sun is higher in the sky.
The UV index is a measure of the strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation can damage your skin, causing sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer. The higher the UV index, the greater the risk of damage.
The UV index is measured on a scale of 1 to 11+, with 1 being the lowest risk, high as anyhting over 6 and 11+ being "extreme" . As the map below, published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency shows, come July, almost all of the US has a mean UV index of 3 or more, meaning sun protection is advised.

In the words of the Agency: “Protection needed”.
"Seek shade during late morning through mid-afternoon. When outside, generously apply broad-spectrum sunscreen on exposed skin, and wear protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses."
In our words, how about some Crazy Arms protection as part of that strategy? Less mess and fuss than sunscreen for your arms, for sure!
Grey clouds on the UK’s melanoma forecast
Even in cloudy old Britain, skin cancer rates are increasing. Melanoma skin cancer rates have grown by over 140% since the 90s, according to Cancer Research UK. Every day, around 50 news cases of melanoma are being diagnosed. Add to that, the almost in-built desire to strip off as soon as the sun comes out, or to make sure you have a tan after the summer holiday to Europe, and it’s an attitude than needs shaking across all age groups.
Arm protection for kids
Prevention is better than cure, of course, which is why we started Crazy Arms as a kids initiative. Young skin is particularly vulnerable to UV damage, which can have major impacts later in life. It’s great to see purchases of Crazy Arms both for kids who are heading on holiday, or spending a lot of time outdoors at camp or sport over the summer. Our heart has also gone out to parents who need to protect they children’s arms for specific medical conditions, or after severe accidental burns. While we’re not a medical device, it our products can help, it’s great to know.

Faster delivery to more places
All Crazy Arms are still shipped out of our Sydney base. This was difficult – almost impossible - when flights in an out of Australia were cancelled during the Covid pandemic restrictions.
Courtesy of new shipping. Provider, DHL, we can now get Crazy Arms to most of the northern hemisphere countries within 7 to 10 days. It’s not “Amazon-speed”, we know, but customers confirm that our quality is worth waiting for.
So don’t delay on getting your arm sleeves!
If you’re planning some sight-seeing, hiking, golfing, or cycling this summer, Crazy Arms can provide you with a fun alternative that can help reduce the risk of serious skin problems in later life.
Order your Crazy Arms today, for fun in the sun this summer.
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Our blog articles are based on our own experience and research. For expert advice, please contact a medical professional.