Men, Melanoma and Sun Safety

67% of Australians who die from skin cancer are men. It’s a pretty stark statistic. In 2018 there were 965 male deaths, compared with 464 for women. Find out more behind the stats and science about men's thick skin, and how this contributes to their vulnerability.

Crazy Ocean Creatures - Kids Competition

We’re running a fun Art Competition open to all kids from pre-school to year 6 as part of our support of the Bondi Ocean Lovers Festival. Sadly, due to Covid-19 the event was cancelled, but we are continuing...

Can Crazy Arms protect you after the sun goes down? (UPDATED)

Nothing ruins a summer evening more than the constant buzzing of mosquitoes. If you or one of your family are particularly prone to mosquito bites, it can turn a relaxing evening into a sleepless night....

Being Sun Smart on the Cricket Field

Arm Sleeves for Cricketers. UPF 50+ White Arm Sleeves for cool protection on the cricket field. Sizes for all Ages. Avoid the risk of skin cancer on the cricket field. Michael Clarke, former Australian Cricket captain shares skin cancer story.

Forrest Primary embraces Crazy Arms sun-protection sleeves

Our first Crazy Arms design competition was a huge success. Students at Forrest Primary School Canberra were asked to come up with their designs for Crazy Arms. With nearly 500 designs to choose from, the judges had a hard task. Winners were chosen by the school staff, pictured here with Crazy Arms Founders Stephen and Martin, and Belinda from the Cancer Council.

The Vitamin D debate

One of trickiest issues around sun protection is finding the right balance of UV exposure to produce adequate levels of Vitamin D.  here we cover some of the research, and the current guidelines.

How top sports stars stay unflappable!

Whether it is the world’s top football player, Cristiano Ronaldo, our leading Australian woman golfer Minjee Lee, or cricket’s up-and-coming Big Bash star, Jofra Archer, they all have something in common. When it comes to...

Why we love our kids to play outdoors

Mornings on the beach. One of the great joys of parenthood are early mornings on the beach. Coffee in hand (recycled cup, please), we can watch as our kids are playing in the sand, running...

Why we need to forget our childhoods, when it comes to sun protection

Co-Founder Jason Rance reminisces about sun protection in the 70's, the impact of early skin damage, and what inspired the development of Crazy Arms.

Our commitment:

1% of all sales are donated to