Fund Raiser
Simply sign up, and your club will get 15% of the sale into the club funds. That's around $4 for every pair sold. Applies to all sizes and colours bought by your members. Easy!

What you have to do?
1. Sign up online (we approve your request).
2. Download tiles for your club’s Facebook page, or banners for your website.
3. Get a code for club members to use at check out if they don’t go through your website or Facebook page.
4. Spread the word through newsletters, at training, and on match days.
We do the rest
Once installed, all sales are automatically registered to your club, and the money is credited to your club’s nominated bank account every month. The Crazy Arms Team process and dispatch the orders direct to your members and deal with any issues around sizing, returns etc.
Click here to sign up: Club sign-up